Urology Publications

  • Mistry K, Pal P, Chitale S: A simple two-stage 'bail out' technique for the removal of an unyielding ureteric stent: Reply to Letter-to-the-Editor (Invited): UROLOGY: (Accepted for publication): May 2013.
  • Mistry K, Pal P, Chitale S: A simple two-stage 'bail out' technique for the removal of an unyielding ureteric stent: UROLOGY: (Accepted for Publication): Feb 2013.
  • Penna M, Mistry K, Pal P, Chitale S: Intravesical Instillation of Mitomycin C Cause of Delayed Bladder Perforation? Case Reports in Urology: (Accepted for Publication): Dec 2012.
  • Banerjee S, Burnand K, Chitale S, Burgess N: Follow-up Upper Tract Imaging Post-Nephroureterectomy for TCC: Need for a protocol driven approach? : Open Journal of Urology (OjU) (Accepted for online publication): Sep 2012.
  • Hurrell C, Irving S, Shaw M, Ball R, Chitale S: Primary Penile Cancer + Peyronie's Disease = Diagnostic Difficulty: A Case of Delayed Diagnosis with a Review of the Problem of Penile Neoplasms Masquerading as, or Being Masked by, Peyronie's Disease: The Open Urology & Nephrology Journal, 2012, 5 24-27 (accepted for publication in August 2012).
  • Calvert R, Wong K, Chitale S, Irving S, Nagarajan M, Biyani C, Browning A, Young J, Timothy A, Keeley F, Burgess N: Multi Length or 24 cm ureteral stent? A multi-centre randomised comparison of stent - related symptoms using validated questionnaire: BJUI 2013; 111(7): 1099-104.
  • Anastasiadis E, Arul D, Bruce-Hickman K, Chitale S, Maraj B: Can Urine Cytology be safely omitted from routine work up for haematuria? ASIT Conference, Cardiff, UK 23-25 March 2012. (Abstract to be published in International Journal of Surgery)
  • Chitale S, Sethia K: Vacuum therapy for Peyronie's deformity: An effective and viable alternative to surgery: Abstract PS-04-003 published in Journal of Sexual Medicine, Supplement, 2011, Vol 8, 382.
  • Armitage J, Chitale S, Burgess N: Adrenal Surgery for the Urologist: Overview and Update: (Accepted for publication): Urology News: Jan 2011.
  • Chitale S, Gujadhur R, Collins T, Irving S: Pilot Survey of Post-operative Outcomes & Quality of Life Following Peno - scrotal surgery: [Abstract] Journal of Men's Health: 2010 7 (3) 316-7.
  • Maudlin L, Ball R.Y, Irving S.O, Preston P, Chitale S: Phyllodes Tumour of the Prostate posing Diagnostic & Therapeutic dilemmas: A Case Report: BMJ Case Reports (Accepted for publication in Nov. 2010)
  • Burnand K, Viswanath S, Kumar V, Chitale S.V: Acute spontaneous scrotal haematoma presenting with haemorrhagic shock: A case report: Annals of Royal College of Surgeons of England: (Accepted for publication: Oct 2010)
  • Chitale S.V, Morsey M, Sethia K.K: Is Penile Shortening Part of Natural History of Peyronie's Disease? The Open Urology Nephrology Journal (TOUNJ). (Accepted for online web publication: Oct 2010).
  • Bayles A, Chitale S.V, Irving S.O, Burgess N.A, An Audit of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in the United Kingdom: British Journal of Medical and Surgical Urology, 2011, 4, 119-125.
  • Chitale S.V, Irving S O: Plausible mechanism of Small Bowel Injury during Trocar Cystostomy: BMJ Case Reports. Online publication Feb. 2010
  • Chitale S, Morsey M, Swift L, Sethia K.K: Limited Shock Wave Therapy (SWT) vs. Sham treatment in men with Peyronie's Disease: Results of a Prospective Randomised Controlled double blind Trial: (Accepted for publication in Dec 2009) B.J.U. International.
  • Chitale S.V, Raja V, Hussain N, Saada J, Girling S, Irving S, Cockburn J: One stage tubeless antegrade ureteric stenting: a safe and cost effective option?: Annals of Royal College of Surgeons of England 2010 92 (3) 218-24.
  • Chitale S. V, Hasrat K, Juette A, Sethia K. K: Management of Volvulus of an ileal conduit presenting with renal failure: Case report and Literature review: British Journal of Medical and Surgical Urology 2009 2 208 -10.
  • Sudhanshu Chitale: Response to Letter to the Editor: [Comment on: Prospective randomised crossover trial to compare the efficacy & safety of non-anaesthetic lubricant gel against an anaesthetic gel for outpatient cystoscopy: Scandinavian Journal of Urology & Nephrology 2008 42(2) 164-7.]
  • Scandinavian Journal of Urology & Nephrology 2008, 42(5) 495.
  • Sharma D.M, Butt A, Saleemi A, Chitale S.V: Intravesical mass & early pregnancy: Can US address the management dilemma? Trends in Urology, Gynaecology and Sexual Health: 2009 14(1) 24-6.
  • Chitale S.V, Debbarma M, Wilson P, Burgess N, Peat D: Urological pathology causing free air under the diaphragm? Online Case Report: Annals of Royal College of Surgeons of England: 2008; 90(8).
  • Chitale S.V, Webb R.J, MacIver D, Peat D: Multifocal Symptomatic Intracerebral Metastases as the first manifestation of prostatic carcinoma: A report and literature review. International Urology and Nephrology 2008 40 675-8.
  • Chitale S, Ball R.Y, Peat D: Cystoscopic mimics of bladder neoplasia: Urology News 2007 12(1) 14-7.
  • Chitale S.V, Sethia K.K Dry gangrene of the foreskin after second attempt at prepuce-sparing surgery for congenital penile curvature: Case report and literature review. Journal of Sexual Medicine: 2008: 5:2951-55.
  • Chitale S.V, Hirani M, Swift L, Ho E.T.S: Prospective randomised crossover trial to compare the efficacy & safety of non-anaesthetic lubricant gel against an anaesthetic gel for outpatient cystoscopy: Scandinavian Journal of Urology & Nephrology 2008 42(2) 164-7.
  • Chitale S.V, Collins R, Hull S, Smith E, Irving S.O.: Is the current practice providing an integrated approach to the management of LUTS and ED in primary care? An Audit & Literature review: Journal of Sexual Medicine: 2007; 4:1713 - 25.
  • Chitale S. V., Morsey M, Peat D, Webb R. J: Amyloidosis of lower genitourinary tract: a review: EAU EBU Update series: 2007 5(2) 70-76.
  • Chitale S.V., Hudson R.L.: Technique of urethral catheterisation in very elderly women: Annals of Royal College of Surgeons of England: 2007 89(6) 635-6.
  • Chitale S.V., Mbakada R, Irving SO, Burgess NA: Nephroureterectomy for transitional cell carcinoma: The value of preoperative diagnosis: Annals of Royal College of Surgeons of England: 2008 90 (1) 45-50.
  • Chitale S.V, Burgess N.A, Barker T.H.E, Roberts O.F: Pseudo Spirochaetosis of urinary bladder: Journal of Clinical Pathology: 2005 58 437-8.
  • Chitale S.V, Mbakada R, Burgess N.A: Pancreatitis following percutaneous nephrolithotomy: Scandinavian Journal of Urology & Nephrology 2005 39(3) 251-3.
  • Chitale S.V. Haq A, Webb R.J: Vasography in urethral stricture: Novel application of an old technique: Scandinavian Journal of Urology & Nephrology 2005 39(3) 234-6.
  • Joshi H.B, Chitale S.V, Nagarajan M, Irving S.O, Browning A.J, Biyani C. J, Burgess N.A: A prospective randomised single blind comparison of ureteric stents composed of firm and soft polymer: Journal of Urology 2005 174 2303-6.
  • Chitale S.V, Burgess N.A, Sethia K.K, Love K. Roberts P.F: Management of urethral metastasis from colorectal carcinomas: Two case reports & review of literature: ANZ J. Surg. 2004 74 925-7.
  • Chitale S.V, Shaida N, Burtt G, Burgess N.A: Endoscopic management of Renal Candidiasis: Journal of Endourology: 2004 18 865-6.
  • Chitale S V, Scott-Barrett S, Ho E T S, Burgess N A: Management of Ureteric Obstruction secondary to Malignant Pelvic Disease: Clinical Radiology 2002 57 1118-1121.
  • Chitale S.V, Burgess N A, Warren R: Renal Failure secondary to Uterine Prolapse: British Journal of General Practice: 2002, 52, 661-2.
  • Chitale S.V, Ho E.T.S: Hemoperitoneum secondary to ureteric stenting: International Urology and Nephrology: 2002 34 197-8.
  • Chitale S.V, Peat D, Meaden J.D, Baillie Johnson H, Burgess N.A: Kaposi's sarcoma of the glans penis in an HIV negative patient: International Urology and Nephrology: 2002 34 251-3.
  • Chitale S.V, Peat D, Lonsdale R, Sethia K.K: Xanthoma of the urinary bladder: International Urology and Nephrology: 2002 34 507-9.
  • Chitale S V, Webb R J: Surgical Technique: Ureteric Stenting for Repair of Accidental Ureteric Injuries. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England: 2001 83:4 244-5.
  • Love K. D, Chitale S. V, Vohra A. K, Ball R. Y: Urethral Stricture Associated with Malakoplakia A Case Report and Review of Literature: UROLOGY: 2001 57:1 169 - 72.
  • Chitale S. V, Szemere J.C., Burgess N.A., Sethia K.K., Ball R.Y., Bardsley A.F.: Surgical Technique for Conservative Management of Distal Urethral Melanoma: British Journal of Plastic Surgery. : 2001: 54:4: 361-3.
  • Chitale S.V. Harry L. Gaches C.G.C. Ball R.Y.: Presentation of Prostatic Adenocarcinoma with Cervical Lymphadenopathy-Two Case Reports and Review of Literature: Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery: 2001 125:4, 431-2.
  • Chitale S.V, Choudhury A, Gaches C. G. C: Transurethral Fistulography- a useful technique in investigating recurrent undiagnosed pneumaturia: World Journal of Urology: 2001 19:259-60.
  • Chitale S V, Sams V R, Burgess N A: Pericalyceal Haemangioma & Papillary Necrosis: Journal of The Royal Society of Medicine (JRSM): 2000 93 482 3
  • Chitale S V, Wadood S U, Whymark A, et al: Tumour like Mullerianosis of the Urinary Bladder: Journal of Urological Pathology: 1999 10 169 176
  • Chitale S V, Burgess N A: Endoscopic Removal of a Complex Foreign Body from the Bladder; British Journal of Urology 1998 81 756 7
  • Chitale S V, Waterfall N B, Blackshaw A J: Adenocarcinoma of Rete Testis Masquerading as Epididymal Cysts: British Journal of Urology 1998 81 922 3
  • Chitale S V, Morrow D R, Patel R, Gaches C G C, Ball R Y: Cutaneous Metastases from Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder and the Renal Pelvis: British Journal of Urology: 1997 79 292 3
  • Chitale S V, Morrow D R, Jena R, Ball R Y, Webb RJ: Conservative Surgery for Epidermoid Cyst of the Testis: British Journal of Urology. 1997 80 506 7
  • Chitale S V, Almeida A, Hadfield J I H: Urological Complication of Pelvic Fracture Treated by an External Fixator: British Journal of Urology. 1997 80 681 2
  • Chitale S V: Value of Prostaglandin E1 in the Management of Erectile Dysfunction: Dissertation submitted to University College London: June 1995: Diploma in Urology Examination.
  • Chitale S, Chitale V.R: Management of Acute Symptomatic Hydronephrosis of Pregnancy by Postural Drainage: (Accepted for online publication in Jan 2010): The Open Urology Nephrology Journal (TOUNJ).
  • Chitale S.V, Chitale V.R: Bilateral Ureterocutaneostomy with Modified Stoma: Long Term Follow up: World Journal of Urology 2006 24(2) 220-23.
  • Chitale V R, Chitale S V: Enterocutaneous Fistula Report of Three Patients Successfully Treated by "turnover flaps", Reinforced by Musculocutaneous flaps: European Journal of Plastic Surgery, 1996 19 286 71
  • Kundargi P A, Chitale S V, Agarwal B K, Nagapurkar N, Shah V J, Srinivas V, Phadke A G: Management of a Large Pheochromocytoma: Bombay Hospital Journal: 1992: 34(3) 149-52.
  • Srinivas V, Shah V J, Chitale S V, Kundargi P A: Forty Year Old Woman with Severe Left Renal Colic & White Debris in Urine: Urology: 1992 39(4) 368-70.
  • Kundargi P A, Nagapurkar N, Chitale S V, Agarwal B K, Warwadekar G M, Shah A B, Srinivas V, Phadke A G: Unusual Presentation of Renal Oncocytoma: clinical conference: Urology: 1992: 40 (4) 354-6.
  • Shah V J, Oza U G, Thatte S W, Chitale S V: Polycystic Horseshoe Kidney presenting with end stage renal disease and receiving a successful Renal Transplant: Bombay Hospital Journal: 1992: 34(3) 137-8.
  • Srinivas V, Shah V J, Chitale S V, Kundargi P A: Perioperative Complications in 65 Consecutive Radical Cystectomies: Indian J Surgery: 1991 53(7) 301-4.
  • Chitale S V, Shah V J, Agarwal B K, Bhave S S, Kundargi P A, Punjani H M: Management of Bilateral Impalpable Testes: Bombay Hospital Journal: 1991: 33(22) 49-53.
  • Srinivas V, Chitale S V, Shah V J: A Plea for Single Layer Intestinal Anastomosis: Indian J Surgery: 1991: 53(11, 12) 453-7.
  • Chitale S V, Joshi A R, Agarwal B K, Bhave S S, Shah V J, Srinivas V, Phadke A G: Irritative Bladder Symptoms in the Elderly Underlying Malignancy? : Bombay Hospital Journal: 1990 32(4) 45-7.
  • Chitale S V: Clinical Applications of Muscles & Myocutaneous Flaps: Dissertation submitted to Shivaji University: April 1986: M.S. (General Surgery) Examination.
  • Ninawe W G, Kulkarni S D, Chitale S V: Clinical Applications of Myocutaneous & Muscle Flaps in General Surgery: Indian J Surgery 1986: 48 419-25.


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